Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Castrol Uses Stähle GmbH SMC2000 Motorcycle Robot for Differentiation Tests

One of the tools that Castrol Motor Oil uses for differentiation is "Flossie" (SMC2000) a Stahle GmbH Motorcycle Robot Rider. The SMC2000 is invaluable in test which support the Castrol core product benefits such as increased power or increased acceleration. The SMC2000 can be fitted on to any motorcycle, scooter or three (3) wheeler, such as ATVs for testing on a chassis dynamometer.

The SMC2000 is e
quipped with a standard self learning feature that allows it to know the gear change pattern, clutch feel and throttle response of the bike, just as any rider would on their initial drive on a motorcycle.

The SMC2000 is not your average rider, the SMC2000 is the ultimate precision rider that is able to repeat the same gear change or the same acceleration time perfectly time after time.

Benefits of using a robot driver such as the SMC2000:
  • Exceptional test repeatability and reliability
  • Able to withstand the excruciating noise of the motorcycle in a chamber as the motorcycle's engine screams at speeds up to 16,000 rpm
  • Able to withstand extreme difference of temperature from -40°C to +80°C
  • Never tires or becomes sore

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